Cardinal George Alancherry, major archbishop of Syro Malabar Church, has called upon the All Kerala Catholic Congress (AKCC), the political arm of the Church, to join hands with non Christian organisations who share the same perspective in their fight for rights. Against this backdrop, the AKCC should join hands with organisations, like the Nair Service Society (NSS), the Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana (SNDP) Yogam, Kerala Pulayar Maha Sabha (KPMS), Akhila Kerala Dheevara Sabha, Muslim Educational Society, etc. in their fight against the wrong policies of the government. While AKCC has no political party agenda, it will respond to the wrong policies of political parties and governments in power. AKCC at Koodaranhi functions very well and stands as a supreme voice for the church.